Effects of Dual Language Immersion Programs

dual language immersion programs

Many schools now offer dual language programs, where students are taught in English and another language. As dual immersion programs continue to grow in popularity, the most popular options in the U.S. focus on Spanish, Arabic, French, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin programs are also increasing in popularity. This article offers practical guidance on the effects of these programs to help you make informed decisions about your child’s education.

Difference between Bilingualism and Dual Language

To begin, it’s important to clarify the difference between dual language education and bilingualism. Dual language education is a specific bilingual education model in which students are taught in two languages. The overarching goal of dual language programs is for students to become bilingual and biliterate in both languages of instruction. In contrast, bilingualism refers to a person’s ability to speak two languages. (If you’re interested in more details, visit our blog post “Bilingualism and Biliteracy in U.S. Classrooms.“)

Types of Dual Language

Immersion Programs

Next, let’s discuss the types of dual language immersion programs. In general, student schedules in these programs are determined by the proportion of instructional time spent using each language. Two common dual language models are 90/10 and 80/20, where students split their days accordingly between the two languages. For example, in kindergarten, students receive 90% of instruction in Spanish, and 10% in English. When the move onto 1st grade, they receive 80% of instruction in Spanish, and 20% in English – and so on until they reach 50/50 split. The overarching goals of dual language education models are to support the development of balanced language and literacy skills in two languages.

Effects of Dual Language Immersion Programs

Inclusive Classroms

Dual language programs have become popular in promoting inclusivity and accessibility in education. In fact, these programs were created in response to the growing diversity in U.S. schools, ensuring all students – regardless of background – can access quality education. As a result, English learners not only improve their language skills, but also become more culturally responsive and inclusive, embracing diverse perspectives.

Bilingualism and Biliteracy

Students in dual language programs become bilingual and biliterate as they learn academic skills in core subjects, in two languages. From the start of primary school through high school, dual language students develop the ability to speak and write in two languages, equipping them with valuable skills for the future.

Academic Success

Many parents worry that their children won’t be able to achieve the necessary level of academic success if they enter bilingual programs. However, a recent study indicates that students who participated in a dual language program outperformed their peers in a monolingual education program – especially in reading. There were no significant advantages in math or science, but also no disadvantages.

Certified Bilingual Teachers

One of the adverse effects that dual language programs are currently facing is a lack of teachers who are certified to teach in dual language classrooms. Simply being a bilingual teacher isn’t enough to be an effective dual language teacher. They must receive specialized training in the philosophy and practical strategies in bilingual education. Therefore, looking for a program with certified teachers who can support students throughout their schooling is essential.


In conclusion, dual language programs offer a dynamic and inclusive approach to education, fostering bilingualism, cultural responsiveness, and academic success. With various models like the 90/10 and 80/20 approaches, these programs meet diverse student needs. However, the success of dual language programs depends on certified teachers and programs being implemented with fidelity. Ultimately, understanding the benefits and potential challenges of dual language education helps parents and educators make the best educational choices for their children.


Steele, J. L., Slater, R. O., Zamarro, G., Miller, T., Li, J., Burkhauser, S., & Bacon, M. (2017). Effects of dual-language immersion programs on student achievement: Evidence from lottery data (ED577026). Institute of Education Sciences. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED577026.pdf

 Written by Maria Sara Arias – Bilingual Curriculum Specialist at Bilingual Bridges

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