Category: Blog

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Video Games for Language Learning You’ll Love

  Video Games for Language Learning? Discover how video games can transform language learning into an exciting and immersive experience, helping you become a multilingual pro.

Online Tutoring Myths

Online tutoring is here to stay and is projected to grow by 20.5% by 2030.* Some parents love the comfort that it brings: knowing their children

Cómo crear metas de aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma

Metas de aprendizaje de idiomas

En este año tan diferente, todos nos hemos planteado cuáles son esas cosas que siempre hemos querido hacer, pero que nunca hemos realizado por falta de

giving thanks on thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Reflections

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving Reflecting on this past year and how tough it’s been for everyone, I’ve thought a lot about the importance of thanksgiving reflections:

A vibrant celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month featuring traditional Mexican food, dancers in folklorico dresses, and colorful decorations.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by learning about the cultural contributions of Hispanic Americans in the US and their influence on society.