Día de los Muertos – Day of the Dead
Living in the United States, fall has always been my favorite season. As the heat fades but the cold hasn’t entirely set in yet, the weather feels perfect! However, the real reason I love fall so much is Día de los Muertos! Since it falls so close to October 31, people often assume it’s related to Halloween, but this isn’t the case! While Halloween connects to scary things, Día de los Muertos focuses on honoring the memories of our loved ones who have passed.
Each year, on November 1st and 2nd, people believe that a veil lifts between the worlds of the living and the dead, allowing our deceased loved ones to visit us. Specifically, on November 1st, our lost children—angelitos or “little angels”—come first, followed by the adults on November 2nd. Now, let’s take a look at some of the meaningful ways we honor them!
6 Ways to Celebrate Día de los Muertos
1.Create ofrendas or altars.
In our homes, we build small altars to honor those who have passed. The altars are adorned with papel picado, flowers, and candles. Additionally, we place photos of our loved ones on the altar, along with food offerings. For example, in our home, we include skeletons representing a carpenter, a train engineer, an artist, and an abuelita. Although I felt sad when I lost my grandmother, I was delighted to find a skeleton that represented her, and I smile every time I see it. These small skeletons symbolize each person we honor. For instance, my grandfather worked as a railroad conductor, and my son’s father was a carpenter.
2. Traditional food.
Oh, the delicious food! Mexican food is, in my opinion, the best in the world, so any excuse to cook and eat is a good one. Pan de Muerto is one of my favorites, and we always make tamales as well. Not only do we eat these delicious treats, but we also place some on the altars or at gravesites for visitors to enjoy. While they can’t physically eat it, they can still enjoy the delicious aroma.
3.Cémpazuchitl flower.
Next, we have the cémpazuchitl, or marigold! People believe that the pungent odor of these vibrant, yellow flowers helps guide the spirits to their altars. We use the flowers to decorate the altars, and we also scatter their petals to create a path leading to the altars or gravesites.
4. Skulls and skeletons.
Sugar skulls, now widely seen as cute decorations, actually have roots in Aztec culture. They were often used in ceremonies and sometimes served as trophies of battle. Why are they called sugar skulls? Because traditionally, they’re made from sugar! You can either eat these tasty little treats or use them to decorate the altar. Nowadays, sugar skulls are bright, colorful, and made from a variety of materials. I keep a few in my home year-round simply because they are beautiful works of art.
5. Visiting grave sites.
Many families make their way to the cemetery, or panteón, to clean the gravesites by trimming weeds, adding flowers, lighting candles, and leaving offerings. Some families even spend the entire day or night there. We typically stay for a few hours before heading home to continue the festivities.
6. Let’s celebrate the Day of the Dead
Dia de los Muertos is not a time for grieving and crying! It’s time to celebrate life and remember our loved ones who passed with the same joy and happiness they brought. I share stories with my son about his father and cook recipes my abuelita taught me. But most of all, I remember, and memories are beautiful.
– Written by Gail Encerrado – Bilingual Teacher at Bilingual Bridges